Rules & Regulations

Revised February 8, 2024

The following Club House / Grounds Rules are to govern the conduct of all Members and their guests while on Club property and engaged in Club activities. They function in unison with the Bylaws of the club. The intent of these Rules is designed such that members will treat the Clubhouse, contracted staff, other members and guests with respect and courtesy. The PYC board has the authority to enforce such rules. The cooperation of the Membership in the observance of these rules is requested.


  • Members and their guests are expected at all times to observe customary and acceptable behavior while on Club premises.
  • Unnecessary noise, objectionable language, and disrespect of others will not be tolerated.
  • Members, their families, and guests use the facilities at their own risk. PYC and/or its assignees are not responsible for any injuries that occur to Members, their families, guests, or any other person while they are at, or in the vicinity of PYC or engaged in Club activities.
  • Waiver forms will also be required for certain Club events.
  • Club property shall not be removed from the Club except by permission from the board.
  • Any Member or visitor who willfully damages, defaces, steals, destroys, or removes property or equipment belonging to the PYC shall be responsible for compensation and restitution of property.
  • All members are required to dispose of their litter and unwanted debris in the receptacles provided. Monitor receptacles on busy weekends as to volume of waste. Parents/guardians are requested to ensure children follow such.
  • The Club is not responsible for the loss of personal property of any Members, their families or guests.


  • The Clubhouse shall be for use by Members only and their guests.
  • Club facilities may be rented by Members in good standing, based upon availability. Non-members or community groups may make an application to rent/use the facility with board approval.
  • Members may not make Long Distance Telephone calls.
  • Smoking is not permitted inside the Clubhouse. Smoking permitted outside and away from other club members.


  • PYC operates from May until the end of September (subject to weather).
  • Gate at entrance to the grounds will be closed at 11pm.
  • The Clubhouse may on occasion be closed for private functions as decided by PYC Board with appropriate notice to Members.


  • The maintenance and usage of all the Club docks and boat storage facilities shall be subject to the Harbour Master’s discretion, and the sailing facilities (LTS coordinator/Fleet).
  • PYC Boat owners (power and sail) and/or boat operators are responsible for the safe and proper docking of their vessels at the Club’s docks.
  • PYC is not liable for any damage incurred to watercraft docked at the Club (members or non-members). Boat owners and/or boat operators are ultimately responsible for ensuring that their boat is safe from damage and will not put other boats at risk for damage.
  • Owners are responsible for frequent inspection of their vessel and vigilance in ensuring proper securing of vessel to dock(s) and ultimately for securing all halyards and loose lines. This is not only a courtesy for fellow members as well as property owners in vicinity of PYC.
  • All boats must be sail worthy
  • Members are only allowed to use the Club’s motorized boats except at the discretion of the Harbour Master.
  • Members are requested to respect a “no wake” policy near the Club’s docks.
  • Driving a boat dangerously or compromising the safety of other Club Members will not be tolerated.
  • All blocking material used for boats must be stored at the south edge of the retaining wall by the mast raising system


  • Each Member is responsible for their own, their family’s or their guest’s conduct regarding the consumption of alcohol.
  • The Club does not assume responsibility with respect to the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the Club premises and the operation of watercraft following such consumption.
  • During PYC functions in which a liquor permit has been secured no personal alcohol will be allowed in clubhouse or decks.
  • Privately owned alcohol can be consumed on all boats with living facilities providing the boat is moored to the docks.


  • Guests and visitors are welcome at the PYC and members are requested to make guests of other members feel at home.
  • Guests should be encouraged to join in due course.
  • Guests are the sole responsibility of the member whom the guest is visiting.
  • The host member is responsible for the conduct and actions of their guests, and to ensure their guests adhere to all house rules.


  • A Member shall not directly reprimand any contract staff of the Club but shall report any such complaint to the Commodore or a member of the Board immediately.
  • Members and their guests who are unhappy with any aspect of the service in the Club are asked to bring this to the attention of the Commodore or a Member of the Board immediately.


  • Members and their guests using the clubhouse, including the kitchen are responsible for leaving it clean and returning all utensils, dishes and pots to their proper places.
  • Floors are to be swept and all garbage placed in proper containers.
  • If club disposable items are consumed, please replace or bring to the attention of one of the board to ensure products are ordered.
  • Members leaving personal items/products at PYC must obtain permission from the Harbour Master.
  • All fuel is required to be stored in the gas shed and NOT in the garage.
  • Small motors may be stored in the gas shed over the winter. Space is limited and not guaranteed.
  • All personal items stored at PYC must have the member’s name on it. Items not labelled are considered the property of the club and will be disposed of at the discretion of the Board.
  • Members are not permitted to share keys or door codes with non-members.
  • From time-to-time PYC hosts social events and non-members are welcome to partake (A modest participation fee may be levied to the non-member). The visiting guest remains the responsibility of the PYC member while attending these events.
  • Following the use of the BBQ please ensure the gas is shut off and the grill and utensils are cleaned and returned to their proper locations. If BBQ is being stored inside during the shoulder season ensure that it is returned inside after allowing for proper cooling time. Report empty propane tanks to the Harbour Master or Maintenance member. Please feel free to fill tanks or exchange them when empty and compensation for such is ensured.
  • If you are the last member to leave the clubhouse ensure that all taps are closed, lights and heaters are shut off. Close all windows and doors. Store all deck cushions and removable umbrellas inside the clubhouse. Ensure all doors both upstairs and downstairs are locked.


  • Members are to assist in keeping the PYC grounds and beach tidy.
  • Both Members and visitors are to park in only designated parking areas.
  • Obey and respect handicap parking areas.
  • Pet owners are responsible for their pets at all times while on PYC property. It is the owner’s responsibility to clean up after their pets and dispose of bags in an appropriate manner. Pet owners will be required to comply with the R.M. by-laws regarding pets.
  • No personal property shall be left on the grounds or the beach without receiving permission form the Harbour Master or the Maintenance Director.
  • The beach is unsupervised (no lifeguards) therefore ensure the proper monitoring of swimmers within your group. Members and non-members swim at their own risk.


  • All dingy and small watercraft (canoes, paddleboards, windsurfers, kayaks and paddleboats etc.) must be safely and securely stored in designated areas.
  • Long term storage must be approved by the Harbour Master.


  • Installation of rubber bumpers and other protective items along with cleats are permitted. Recommended that any additions to the existing docks be approved by the Harbour Master.
  • Notify the Harbour Master immediately if there are docks in need of repair.
  • Fishing is strictly prohibited on the docks and is not permitted from the breakwater unless fishing occurs on the outer banks of the breakwater.
  • Running is not permitted on the docks.


  • Slip fees are due by May 1st of each year to ensure allocation of slips and establish a waitlist if required.
  • Slip spaces will be offered to returning members providing fees are received promptly.
  • Slips are non-transferable with the exchange of ownership of any boat.
  • On an annual basis sailboat membership and slip request will be made available on the website Sailboats have first priority followed by powerboat owners next, both at the discretion of the Harbour Master, based on a waitlist.
  • Payments not received by the due date may result in slips being reassigned to a paid up member on a waiting list. This will be at the discretion of the Harbour Master.
  • Fluctuations in water levels may require the moving of boats with shallow draft keels inland and deep keel boats to deeper locations. This will be at the discretion of the Harbour Master.
  • Members who would like to have additional watercraft at the club, other than the registered boat in their slip, may do so at the permission of the Harbour Master. This will be based on availability and on an occasional basis. This does not include small dinghies and inflatables that are part of the sailboat inventory.


  • All halyards and loose lines MUST be secured at all times to reduce the noise around the marina and for those living in the community near PYC.
  • Abide by and respect the quiet times as posted on signage entering on to the docks.


  • Moorings will be installed if there is a demand. No one shall independently install a mooring within the current marina as this has the potential to disrupt navigation within the marina.


  • Boat launch fees (day and seasonal) are identified and posted at the launch ramp.
  • Day launch fees are to be deposited in the cash box at the ramp. It is encouraged that PYC members assist in monitoring visiting guests and educate regarding the fees and parking. Educate regarding no wake and proper marina etiquette.
  • Seasonal fees may be purchased from the Harbour Master with most launch fees being included with slip rentals.
  • Non-members are required to pay to launch their watercraft at the launch ramp.
  • PYC membership fees (both social and boating) include launching privileges.
  • No wake is allowed in the harbour as this creates potential harm to boats, docks and shoreline erosion.


  • The breakwater is open to the public for fishing and sightseeing. Fishing is permitted, however must be on the open water side of the breakwater and not in the marina itself. Cleaning of fish on the breakwater is prohibited. PYC members are encouraged to assist with the care of the breakwater and assist in educating visitors who are enjoying it.
  • Access to the breakwater must always be kept open.
  • Driving and parking on the breakwater is prohibited.


  • Vehicle parking is permitted in designated areas only.
  • Parking along the railway tie retaining wall is angle parking only.
  • Parking along the east side of the parking lot shall be perpendicular to the edge of the pavement.
  • Trailer parking is not permitted in the PYC parking lot between the first weekend of June and the September long weekend. ALL boats stored on site over the winter must be launched and trailers moved off site by the first weekend in June. Documented exceptions may be available from the Board of Directors based on compassionate and exceptional circumstances.
  • All day use trailers must be parked off site. Ninette fairgrounds is the most favorable location.
  • Long-term parking is available through the Harbour Master.